Friday, June 26, 2009

Splish - Splash - Splosh


What a surprise it was. I had no idea that my second birthday was going to be so much fun. Amma drove all the way from New Jersey to Rhode Island and we spent quite a few days with Appa. Appa was going to the CVS Charity classic on Saturday and Sunday. How can we let him miss my birthday? Not a chance.

The hotel where appa stays had a regular pool and another spa pool. It took amma forever to force me out of the water. I had so much fun splashing water on everyone. Simple trick to enjoy splashing water - "Close your eyes". Check this photo.

On Monday 22nd June, I should have guessed something was up when Appa showed from work early (if you consider 6PM early!). He had that little smirk on his face and he and amma were talking in "sh-sh" language. When I went down with them to play with my basketball, I saw the cake, balloons and Happy Birthday banner. That was a total surprise. Having visited few of my friends on their birthday, this was pretty cool. Appa gave me a new shirt, pant as gift and more importantly sunglasses. I look really cool in it

Check out the photos in Current Album and if you like, leave a comment.

See you later,


ಸಾಗರದಾಚೆಯ ಇಂಚರ said...

Saaranga, good one, keep going

Anonymous said...

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