Thursday, June 17, 2010

Counting Numbers

Last week we were on our way to Leela Dodda's place and Appa stopped at outlet mall to pick up some things.  There were lots of shops and I started counting them.  Imagine the terrified look on Appa's face when I started saying "Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, Cinco ..."  Yes, I can count till Diez (Ten) in Spanish.

See you later,

Friday, June 11, 2010

Why - most feared weapon

Hi Folks,

I have found the new magic weapon to silence my parents.  You should see the fear in their face when I ask the question "Why" for any question.  Probably they are already afraid of the next "Why" in the series. One good thing is I get an answer for my "Why" question but it comes out very slowly and in a calculated fashion

More on this later,
See you,