Sunday, November 8, 2009

Jagadodharana Performance

Clap Clap Clap! That was a wonderful performance wasn't it? This is the third time I danced with Amma for the same song 'Jagadodharana'. As soon as amma switches on the music for this song, smile automatically comes to my face. I got hooked into it after the first rehearsal we had for the Janmasshtami celebrations at Sri Krishna Vrunda in Edison NJ. I was so good, amma woke me up from my deep sleep just before the performance, put on the costume and took me directly to the stage. It was a flawless performance.

I improvised in the second performance at NEKK to celebrate Ganesha Chaturthi. As part of pranks, I went and picked up a banana that was offered to Lord Ganesha. Amma had to think fast and let me have the banana for the fear of ruining the performance. Smart thinking from both isn't it?

Third time was yesterday (07 Nov 2009) in Hoysala Kannada Koota of Connecticut to celebrate Deepawali and Children's day. It was a bit too much rotation this time and I felt dizzy (carefully remastered in the uploaded video, you see me only lying down, not the dizzy walk I had). Hope you enjoy it too. Amma was heard saying "I had to pay so much attention to him on the stage this time that I forgot to do few acts of my own!)

Winter is setting in. I hear a trip coming up. Where might we be going next?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Saaranga's 3rd Halloween

The Hybrid of 2025

I dressed up as a gas guzzler. Someone said looking at the outfit - 'in this world of depleting oil reserves, what more can you be fearful of than a gas guzzler?' - Fitting statement for Halloween - 2009